Saturday, September 16, 2006

Linkage Problems

Solving Linkage Problems

Tip: The most important part is to determine which progeny resulted from parental type gametes, and which from recombinant types.

In a plant, leaf color and leaf shape are controlled by two linked genes. Leaves of the wild-type plant are red. A recessive mutation in this gene causes white leaves. Wild-type leaves are pointed, and a recessive mutation in this gene causes them to be smooth. The following crosses were performed:

pure breeding white, smooth X pure breeding wild type

gives F1: all red, pointed

Now, the next cross:

red, pointed X pure breeding white, smooth

gives F2:
40 white, curly
36 red, pointed
10 white, pointed
14 red, curly

What is the recombination frequency between the gene for color and for shape?


First, assign genotype symbols. Since the mutations are recessive to wild-type, use + for the wt allele and lower case letters for the mutant alleles:
w = recessive color allele for white
s = recessive shape allele for smooth
The first cross is: X giving progeny: (red, pointed)

The second cross is: X giving progeny where the genotypes can be unambiguously interpreted from their phenotypes.
The parental gamete types will be: and , resulting in [white, smooth] and [red, pointy] progeny.
The recombinant gamete types will be: and , resulting in [white, pointy] and [red, smooth] progeny.

Therefore, the recombination frequency is:

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