Monday, February 05, 2007

Voices that matter...

WRA: I do not want to think about bidding Japan farewell. I have learned to love the place, hehe.
M: valid sentiment... i wanna see the place too... in time perhaps.
WRA: by the way, Oval`s group is planning a trip to Thailand next year. Want to sign up?
M: sure... i like that... why not earlier?
M: ate kath and i are also planning to go there sometime in november...
WRA: many still cannot afford at this time. they need to fill-up the piggy bank first. if you can go earlier, it`s okey. We`ll go somewhere else later.
M: haha... of course i'd enjoy it better if i go with the group...
M: just like the old days....
M: let's invite arnold and james as well
WRA: yap, just like the good old days, filled with bad memories but challenging experience. arnold and james are out of the country also.
M: i thought they have returned already?
M: they went to thailand but did not finish their contracts there... or so i was told
WRA: They are both in Saudi Arabia right now, savoring the richness of "black gold".
M: haha... woe to the philippines indeed... but we only have our leaders to blame. anyway, i'm glad for them... they must be amassing huge wealth by now. haha... but i'm not about to follow suit.
WRA: You don`t have to. For Christ`s sake, people like you should not join the exodus.Salvation of the Philippines rests upon the hands of people who are willing to dream and do something for the country.
M: indeed my friend... i'm so glad to hear those words from you... suddenly, i am without a word to say.
WRA: You can see and feel more clearly the real state of the Philippines when you are out of the country. From the perspective of where I am right now, its quite disheartening. Leaving the country will only compound the problems in tragic proportions. Besides, the exodus presents a very bad image of the country to the rest of the world.

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