Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sir Kiko... 'Yon Na 'Yon...

This is going to be very dolorous sir Kiko... as in very sad. But here's a survival kit for you from the 'brilliant us' you are leaving behind. (gripes)... First off... Never ever let your students there mention the very dreaded, 'are we there yet?'... haha... This is very sad but do show 'em - kids on the old vandalized block - what treasured manners we have here in 'Pinas... Make them fart through the nose if they insist! haha... Second off... Teach 'em good grammer... este, grammar. Never ever make them sound off their very annoying 'aint yer country duh Philip - pines?'... as in pine tree (grrr). You must know where you placed your eraser if they insist! haha... Third off... if they fail to submit homeworks on time, make them work out 'seventy times seven' math quizzes, projects, assignments, etc... That is to say, befriend the math teacher there from whose calculus emanates fear of all kinds... On a lighter note, should everything else fails, ball up a snow and do some dodgeball! Feel free to choose a subject... haha... Or, better yet, blog the 'brilliant us' on your Multiply for more tips.

I'm glad for you sir Kiko. God bless you always.

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