Sunday, February 17, 2008

Perfectly Perfect

THE debate series of The Class commenced today with a borrowed proposition from ms. cux: "One needs imperfection to prove the existence of perfection." two great debate societies argued on the proposition. kevin's master debaters' (no pun intended) society took on the opposition while erika's two-fourths debating society took on the government position. both houses argued convincingly with the opposition firing most of the wedged salvos. the government of course was very saintly for the entire duration of the debate... the opposition argued that because the very concept of perfection is absolute, there just cannot be a need for imperfection to prove perfection's existence... for quite indeed, if the premise behind the very concept of imperfection is the absence of perfection, how can you then prove the existence of that which is assumed to exist with that which is assumed to not exist? weird... but the opposition made a good argument against the proposition. what i find as most memorable in this opening debate of course, has got to do with the logarithmic nervations of kevin (yes, he is now officially an honorary member of The Class), james, and tim... equally memorable was the saintly conduct of the government side... i thought it was weird... but on hindsight, how i really wished we had a government whose conduct matched those of erika, alwin, and benjo... the government of course has argued quite well on the possibility of ascribing different gradations to imperfection leading to a rough approximation of the concept of perfection... weird, too... but in the end, the panel of judges composed of kye, john, and kyle (who didn't bother to judge) gave the high five to the opposition.

PS: julian and ticia were very good rapporteurs... congratulations to The Class...


i've always wondered how things looked like at the nanoworld... i've thought that perhaps there's a world beyond the resolving power of our eyes where the limited human can reduce itself to greatness... like i mean, if at the molecular level, humans can be reduced to a veritable amalgamation of molecules predominantly organic and at times inorganic, then what force out there or inside can make this molecular construction approximate a level of perfection? weird...

recently, pics have been produced capturing some landscapes at the nanoscale... the picture on the right (taken by jody yang) is a nanolandscape of 12 bromine atoms... they looked like 12 fiery volcanoes surrounding a lake of icy cyanic depth...

i wonder... if i were a nanoliving system, will i be able to wonder with the same wonderment i have now, what landscape holds for the world beyond the nano? truly, greatness comes in varied gradations extending ab infinitum ad infinitum...