Sunday, February 17, 2008


i've always wondered how things looked like at the nanoworld... i've thought that perhaps there's a world beyond the resolving power of our eyes where the limited human can reduce itself to greatness... like i mean, if at the molecular level, humans can be reduced to a veritable amalgamation of molecules predominantly organic and at times inorganic, then what force out there or inside can make this molecular construction approximate a level of perfection? weird...

recently, pics have been produced capturing some landscapes at the nanoscale... the picture on the right (taken by jody yang) is a nanolandscape of 12 bromine atoms... they looked like 12 fiery volcanoes surrounding a lake of icy cyanic depth...

i wonder... if i were a nanoliving system, will i be able to wonder with the same wonderment i have now, what landscape holds for the world beyond the nano? truly, greatness comes in varied gradations extending ab infinitum ad infinitum...

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